This is the first page that greets you when visit ASQA’s‘Apply for initial registration.
ASQA reported the following in the 2016 – 2017 Annual Report:
Loans paid was in excess of $78 million dollars.
The number of students undertaking approved courses was in excess of 24,000
TAFEs were approved as course providers.
applications were rejected out of 485 in 2015 – 2016
applications were rejected out of 430 in 2016 – 2017
Due to the importance of maintaining a high barrier to market entry, applications for initial registration from organisations seeking to enter the VET market are not approved without audit.
The increase in the number of these applications over the past two financial years, and the increase in the percentage of these applicants that are poor-quality, has had a significant effect on ASQA’s regulatory resources. ASQA refused approximately one in five applications for initial registration during the reporting period.
Why you need us for RTO Set up/gaining RTO registration
The Proportion of applications for initial registration rejected by ASQA, 2012-13 to 2016–17 have certainly increased over the last 5 years and in particular in the last 2 years since the 2015 standards came into effect.
Although the process of registering a new RTO is complex, it is not impossible if our expert consultants are part of your team.
Our experienced consultants have helped over 100s RTOs registrations and our proven methods will enhance your chances of a successful registration process.
What we will provide/do for you
The Proportion of applications for initial registration rejected by ASQA, 2012-13 to 2016–17 have certainly increased over the last 5 years and in particular in the last 2 years since the 2015 standards came into effect.
Although the process of registering a new RTO is complex, it is not impossible if our expert consultants are part of your team.
Our experienced consultants have helped over 100s RTOs registrations and our proven methods will enhance your chances of a successful registration process.
We will help you develop a customised plan for a successful RTO registration
We will help you
Set up your RTO
Set up your systems for managing quality across your RTO
Develop compliant policies and procedures
Develop strategies for managing your marketing and student information
Set up appropriate training facilities and equipment
Develop compliant and appropriate training and assessment materials for all units and qualifications
Develop a Learning Management System
Develop a student management system
Develop compliant and appropriate record keeping procedures and student management system
Hire experienced and qualified trainers / assessors ensuring compliant and appropriate documentation is in place to support their qualificationss
Develop a continuous improvement processes are in place including professional development for training, administration and management staff
Develop industry engagement strategies, designed to maintain currency in your training and training material
Develop a detailed Training and Assessment Strategies (TAS) for each qualification you intend to deliver
We will help you with providing a compliant AVETMISS database
We will help you develop the corporate governance policies, procedures and management structure
We will coach you in how to operate your RTO once established
Support you through the registration process
Help you prepare for registration and the ensuing audit