ASQA’s audit approach now has an increased focus on quality outcomes with greater emphasis on students. ASQA has been progressively implementing this approach since mid-2016. The revised approach has allowed ASQA to identify and act against poor-quality providers.

Since 2013, ASQA has consistently found that only one in four providers complies with the required standards in full at the time of audit, with the remaining three in four providers demonstrating at least one non-compliance.

ASQA reported :


in 20 RTO Re-registration were rejected


of audits failed in at least one non-compliance at the time of audit, in 2016-17


of audits still failed in at least one non-compliance after rectification, in 2016-17


decrement in the total number of providers nationally since 2011

Source :

Why you need us for Preparing and responding to external audit

The 2015 standards for RTOs were implemented in 2015 for all registered RTOs and for those seeking registration. Along with the new standards, there are new expectations about the kind of evidence RTOs will collect and present during an audit.

In a perfect world, you shouldn’t have to prepare for your external audit. Generally, a good place to start is to conduct an internal audit against the standards you are being audited on to make sure that you have the evidence required and available for the audit. However, it is crucial that you prepare for external audits as this exercise will highlight and address any non-compliance issues to improve your chances of passing an external audit.

The scope of the audit will depend on the type of audit you are having.

  • To be become an RTO (initial registration audit), you should expect to be audited on all the standards and demonstrate that you have complied with the Standards for RTOs 2015 (VET Quality Framework) (SNRs) or the Australian Quality Training Framework (whichever is applicable). Also, for example, if you are registering with the VRQA, then you will need to comply with the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers.
  • For a re-registration audit, expect to be audited on most standards but you must prepare for an audit on all standards..

Our experienced audit consultants and auditors help in establishing a framework for identifying the evidence required and organising it for audit purposes.p>

What we will provide/do for you

A VET health check is crucial in ensuring quality RTO systems and procedures are in place and is ready for an audit for registration, re-registration, continuous improvement or internal annual audit purposes. Every RTO must comply with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015:

  • Responsive to industry and learner needs
  • Quality assurance
  • Secure and accurate certification
  • Accessible information about services
  • Informed and protected learners
  • Fair complaints handling
  • Effective governance and administration
  • Legal compliance

We have experience in auditing for different regularity standards and bodies including:

  • Standards for RTOs 2015
  • AQTF and VRQA Guidelines (VRQA registered RTOs)
  • The VET Quality Framework (ASQA registered RTOs)
  • The ESOS Act and the National Code (CRICOS)
  • VET FEE-HELP (Higher Education Support Act).

We will:

  • Skills First contract (Victorian providers) and other state funded contracts
  • Meet with you to discuss your specific requirements and needs
  • Scope what you need to do and recommend a path forward
  • Provide qualified auditors to advise on compliance issues
  • Work with you to ensure your systems, processes, materials and practices are resilient enough to withstand the test of an audit
  • Advise you of all the issues we find as a result of our audit
  • Advise you in writing and implementing your quality policies and procedures
  • Develop a plan to address all your non-compliant issues with a suitable timetable
  • Provide a report for you detailing the above.


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